self excitation câu
And you just go to lectures on anger excitation for fun?Và em đi nghe giảng về sự kích thích cơn giận cho vui sao? Save your motivatio...

excitation current
For example, assume that 2mA of excitation current is used to drive a 100Ω platinum RTD at 100°C. This produces a sensor resistance of ...

excitation energy
The nucleus gives up excitation energy by emitting one or more gamma rays.tạo ra một hạt nhân phóng xạ phân rã bằng cách phát ra một ho...

excitation frequency
According to Peter Wright, the excitation frequency used by the Russians was actually 800 MHz.Theo Peter Wright, tần số kích thích được...

excitation potential
The average excitation potential of the metal is about 4eV, and the excitation potential of mercury is 7.8eV.Khả năng kích thích trung ...

excitation source
Using stochastic photoswitching of single fluorophores, such as Cy5,[72] STORM can be performed with a single red laser excitation sour...

excitation state
The excitation state of CO2 is in micro seconds.Thời gian tính toán mức chênh lệch nhiệt độ là ở mức micro giây. A nuclear isomer or m...

excitation system
Eliminating the excitation system has reduced the failure rate of the equipment.Loại bỏ hệ thống kích thích đã làm giảm tỷ lệ thất bại ...

excitation voltage
Typical sensitivity values are 1 to 3 mV/V. Typical maximum excitation voltage is around 15 volts.Giá trị độ nhạy điển hình là 1 đến 3 ...

laser excitation
Using stochastic photoswitching of single fluorophores, such as Cy5,[72] STORM can be performed with a single red laser excitation sour...

For example, transformers may need to be equipped with 'volts per hertz' over-excitation, ANSI function 24, relays to protect the trans...

random excitation
Some resonant systems respond at characteristic frequencies, but in response to random excitation.Một số hệ thống cộng hưởng phản ứng ở...

Yes, this is real music.Hãy thưởng thức "Âm nhạc Chân thực" Untitled Self Portrait But my fiancee is very self conscious.Nhưng vợ chưa ...

Treatment initially consists of self- care measures.Điều trị ban đầu bao gồm các biện pháp tự chăm sóc. You also believe that the natu...

(Freedom) Free me from self-will.(freedom of the self) và tự do khỏi cái tôi (freedom from the self). Will playing video games obey se...

be self-centered
Now, is it possible not to be self-centered?Bây giờ, liệu có thể không tự-cho mình là trung tâm? So “… prayer must not be self-centere...

be self-denying
They're supposed to be self-denying.Chính họ đã thiên hẳn về phủ nhận.

be self-sacrificing
(a) How can we imitate the faith of Jephthah and his daughter? (b) How do the words at Hebrews 6:10-12 encourage you to be self-sacrifi...

in self-defence
He said police had shot dead 756 suspects in self-defence.Ông nói cảnh sát đã bắn chết 756 người để tự vệ. Ukraine has now authorised ...

self builder
The ambitious self builder had dreamed of building a white art-deco lighthouse, but ran out of money in summer 2017, when the project h...

self certification
Compliance regime based on self certification – To reduce regulatory burden, startups shall be allowed to self-certify compliance with ...

self consumption
During most of the colonial period, ceramics in Mexico State were mostly produced for self consumption.Trong phần lớn thời thuộc địa, đ...

self control
Politeness, justice, honesty and honor, patience and self control.Sự lễ phép, công lý, thành thật, danh dự, nhẫn nại và tự chủ. God da...

self discharge
The downside is the very high self discharge.Nhược điểm thứ hai là mức độ self discharge cao. The downside is the very high self discha...

self finance
With respect to raising capital for the project, you can either apply for a bank loan, self finance the business or apply for equipment...